Kontiki Restaurant | Back With New Norm To Serve You Better @ The Federal Hotel KL

During this Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO), people are allowed to interstate travel and most of the activities are also allowed again in most of the areas. Therefore, you can see cars around the town and people queuing to dine in eateries. Once and for all, Kontiki Restaurant is proud to announce that they are BACK!!!! with New Norm so that they are able to serve you again and better!!!! New Norm Services & Settings Worry no more, with the New Norm services & settings provided by Kontiki Restaurant, you can immediately date your friends and family to dine in this safe and sound environment. They have implemented additional health & hygiene and safety protocols including social distancing practices above their standard so that they are comply and align with Ministry of Health’s guideline. All action stations were covered up and food will only be served by chefs upon request. If you are thinking that the varieties of the food might be lesser,...